Welcome to the Enneagram Instrument
Do You Want Your Life to Change?
Do You Want to Know More About Your Personality?
Do you want to improve your relationships?
If the answer to either of these questions is "Yes," then order the Enneagram Instrument today!
Introducing Your Enneagram Type
We are surely happy to know that you want to know your type - your personality and your potential! We are sure you will find it interesting as well as challenging on your path to well-being.
The diagram to the left represents nine personality types and their human potentials. Each type has its own set of mental and emotional habits that inhibit optimum behavior. On the other hand, each type exhibits potentialities for essential and authentic living. By knowing your type, you can recognize your habits and optimize your potential, whatever it is. This knowledge will lead to self-empowerment, self-acceptance and increased confidence.
The enneagram instrument will inspire you to use your intuition to become more self-observant and lead you to more information about your personality type through personal study. The other pages of this web site can be of tremendous value in expanding your knowledge about yourself and your life.
Note: This enneagram instrument is not designed to nail your type. Rather, it is designed to facilitate self-discovery and self-mastery.
The nine points on the enneagram not only represents nine distinct personality types, it also represents passions and fixations, as well as virtues and holy ideas. It becomes a complete study of physical, emotional, mental, and spirtual dimensions of your being.
You now will be offered the opportunity to Know Your Type by taking the enneagram personality instrument for only $18.00. This instrument has been selling for $18.00 since 1994.
A Brief Study of Personality Types
Follow the points on the enneagram in the following table of personality types.
For example, point 1 goes to point 4, 4 to 2, etc. Points 3, 6, and nine form the inner triangle.
Type 1 - The Perfectionist.
Critical of self and others. Convinced there is one correct way. Feel ethically superior. Procrastinate for fear of making a mistake. Use should and must a lot.
Well Adapted Ones can be critically astute, moral heroes. |  |
Type 4. The Romantic.
Attracted to the unavailable; ideal is never here and now. Tragic, sad, artistic, sensitive: focused on the absent lover, the loss of a friend.
Well Adapted Fours are creative in their way of life and able to help other people through their pain. They are committed to beauty and the passionate life: birth, sex, intensity, and death. |
Type 2 - The Giver.
Demand affection and approval. Seek to be loved and appreciated by becoming indispensable to another person. Devoted to meeting others' needs. Manipulative. Have many selves -- show a different self to each good friend.
Well Adapted Twos are genuinely caring and supportive. |
Type 8. The Boss.
Extremely protective. stick up for self and friends; combative, take charge, love a fight. Have to be in control. Open displays of anger and force; great respect for opponents who will stand and fight. Make contact through toe-to-toe confrontations. Excessive way of life: too much, too late at night, too loud.
Well Adapted Eights are excellent leaders, especially in the adversarial role. Can be powerful supporters for other people; want to make the way safe for friends. |
Type 5 - The Observer
Maintain emotional distance from others. Protect privacy, don't get involved. Doing without is a defense against involvement. Feel drained by commitment and by other people's needs. Compartmentalize obligations; detached from people, feelings, and things.
Well Adapted Fives can be excellent decision makers and ivory-tower intellectuals. |
Type 7. The Epicure
Peter Pan, the puer aeternus -- the eternal youth. Dilettantish, dance-away lovers, superficial, adventurous, gourmet approach to life. Trouble with commitment, want to keep the options open, want to stay emotionally high. Generally happy, stimulating to be around, habit of starting things but not seeing them through.
Well Adapted Sevens are good synthesizers, theoreticians, Renaissance types. |
Now for the central triangle - types 3, 6, and 9.
Type 3 - The Performer
Seek to be loved for performance and achievement. Competitive. Obsessed with image as a winner and with comparative status. Masters at appearances. Type A personalities. Confuse real self and job identity. Can appear to be more productive than actually are.
Well Adapted Threes can be effective leaders, good packagers, competent promoters, captains of winning teams.
Type 6 - The Trooper
Fearful, dutiful, plagued by doubt. Procrastination -thinking replaces doing -- afraid to take action because exposure leads to attack. Identify with underdog causes, antiauthoritarian, self-sacrificing, loyal to the cause. The phobic Sixes vacillate, feel persecuted, and cave in when cornered. The counter phobic Sixes feel perpetually cornered and therefore go out to confront the terror in an aggressive way.
Well Adapted Sixes can be great team players, loyal soldiers, and good friends. Will work for a cause in the way that others work for personal profit. |
Type 9 - The Mediator
Obsessively ambivalent; see all points of view; readily replace own wishes with those of others and real goals with unessential activities. Tendency to narcotization through food, TV, and drink. Know other people's needs better than their own; tendency to space out, not sure whether want to be here, or not, whether want to be on the team or not. Agreeable; anger comes out in indirect ways.
Well Adapted Nines make excellent peacemakers, counselors; negotiators, achieve well when on track. |

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