Know Your Type!
Awaken Your Potential!
Do You Want Your Life to Change?
If you want to change your life, you have to change yourself. To change yourself, you have to understand yourself. To understand yourself, you must understand your personality. To understand your personality, you should now order this book: Know Your Type! Awaken Your Potential! for only $9.97 today. This book is about the enneagram which is a nine-sided diagram pictured on the cover below, which describes nine different personality types. What enneagram type do you have?
Also available with your purchase of this book is a link to take the Enneagram Instrument - an enneagram personality test and access to the web site for further study. The link will come in your email shortly after you fill out the order form.
Your Life Has Changed
Not convinced?
- Has your life changed for the better in the past month?
- Did you get married?
- Did you have a baby?
- Did you graduate from school?
- Did you buy a new car?
- Did you get a new job offer that you can't refuse?
- Did you win the lottery?
All of these life changes give you an opportunity to change your life! What better way than to find out about your personality type? Along with this book, Know Your Type! Awaken Your Potential! for only $9.97, you will be given an opportunity to order the Enneagram Instrument. Just think about it - a professionally written book by a certified teacher of the enneagram for only $9.97!
Still not convinced?
- Have you experienced a radical disappointment recently?
- Did you get divorced?
- Did your significant other pass away?
- Did your kid go off to college?
- Did you lose your job?
- Are you in danger of losing your home?
- Do you suffer from a lot of credit card debt?
All of these life situations cause you to wonder what you did wrong or "Why is this happening to me?" Why not get a handle on your personality type and stop the bleeding? I know it happens. It happened to me.
My Life Has Changed
I was a software engineer working for a major database company at the end of the '80s and I was laid off. In my spare time, I had been studying the enneagram of personality types. To help me recover from this surprising setback, I decided to take an extensive training course to become a certified teacher of the enneagram. The course involved about 20 intense nights of study in a lecture room setting with a panel people of each type. I also had two week long demanding workshops, all over a period of two and a half years.
I wasn't sure I could qualify and doubted my ability to complete the course. But knowing my enneagram personality type as a doubter, I was able to pull through. During my last job, monitoring Microsoft's compliance with its settlement agreement with the DOJ, which lasted for over seven years, I pulled in so much money that I couldn't believe it myself!
This is why I am sharing this information with you. I want to inspire you to Know Your Type from this book on the enneagram and the Enneagram Instrument and Awaken Your Potential thorough my series of books and websites on meditation practices beginning with Mindfuness of Breathing. This series includes free audio downloads of guided meditation practices to help you awaken your potential.
Your Life Will Change
One of the stunning realizations that I had during the process described above was to learn that all things are impermanent! Now this is very obvious. To learn this on a gut level and not just intellectually is a manifestation of awakened potential.
This, and other insights, become available to you through knowing your enneagram personality type and awakening your potential.
Here is a list of benefits you will get from reading the book and taking the Enneagram Instrument:
- Knowing your enneagram personality type is a source of better self-knowledge and self-empowerment.
- Understanding your habitual patterns can lead you to change them.
- Increased awareness of your behavior patterns can lead to increased self-observation.
- With increased self-observation, you become more aware of how you react and can choose to react skillfully, rather than emotionally.
- Skillful behavior and self-awareness give rise to your awakened potential on the path to well-being.
- As you awaken your potential, you will have insight into your own true nature.
- Once you understand your personality for yourself, you will begin to have compassion for other people in your life.
- You will become more inclusive and you will achieve a greater sense of happiness.
So, this is it. Time to now order Know Your Type! Awaken Your Potential!
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